Specialised Dog Training Programs Brisbane

Mary Puppins - Specialised Dog Training Brisbane

House Manners Program

There are a few things about living with a dog that makes life together so much more pleasurable. It’s hard living with another species and knowing how to teach them what’s appropriate.

There are a few things about living with a dog that makes life together so much more pleasurable. It’s hard living with another species and knowing how to teach them what’s appropriate.

With just a few sessions we can cover these things to get you on track to having a harmonious life together.

Things that we cover:

  • Jumping up
  • Greeting visitors
  • Door thresholds
  • Getting out of car
  • Door bell training
  • Place training
  • Counter surfing
  • Furniture rules consistency
  • Kitchen thresholds
  • Turn off barking-LEAVE IT

Household Manners Inclusions:

  • 3 Private sessions at your home
  • 6 month private online support

Total Investment: $420

Start Training

Life-skills 4 Lifestyle Program

Do you have a dog that you take everywhere with you and are wanting a way to refine some lifestyle skills?

This Program may be for you!

This program concentrates on skills needed to keep him out of trouble and make life easy for you.

This program is for adult dogs who have a base level of foundation skills and live harmoniously with the humans at home but just need to tweak a few things outside to make your lives more enjoyable. This program can be tailored to suit yours and your dog’s lifestyle.

Things that we cover:

  • Place/mat training so you can picnic or eat out and your dog calmly rests on its bed
  • Calmness in environment
  • Loose lead walking
  • Teach an auto sit (STOP)
  • Recall
  • Dog not picking things up off the ground – leave it

Life skills 4 Lifestyle Program Inclusions:

  • 5x45min private sessions
  • 6 months access to private online support
  • 5m MPupp longline leash
  • Training pouch

Total Investment: $776

Start Training

Leash Reactivity Program

Does your dog love playing with other dogs off lead at the park, but when they’re onlead bark and lunge at other dogs?

Is your dog over excited and frustrated at the sight of other dogs?

Or are they overstimulated just being in any new environment?

Maybe they are fearful of other dogs and have learnt to barking and lunging?

This program may be just what you need to set you up for calm walks again and create a relaxed and happy dog.

Having a reactive dog can be frustrating and embarrassing at times. It can feel very isolating and anxiety provoking not knowing when a dog is going to appear from nowhere.

This program sets you up to have a list of options that become reflex when your dog is struggling, so you can pass by and your dog is able to make better choices.

This program will allow your dog to put trust in you handling overwhelming situations, so they don’t have to react.

This program will teach you to better read your dogs behaviour and body language, so you can clearly communicate to them and provide clarity so their behaviour doesn’t escalate into reactivity.

If this sounds like something you’d like to achieve with your dog, reach out for help. No dog is too old for the training.

The Reactivity Program includes:

  • 8x45min private client lessons
  • online help to get the most of your homework and progressions.
  • Training pouch
  •  Quality Mary Puppins rope lead

Total Investment: $1199

Start Training

Recall Program

Do you want a meaningful relationship with your dog, where they’re always checking in on you?

Where your dog comes back to you just as enthusiastically as they do going away from you?

Where your dog will come back to you whether you have treats on you or not?

Do you want to learn recall in a way that’s fun for both you and the dog?

Who doesn’t run away at the sight of the lead coming outwhen it’s time to go? 

Who doesn’t have selective hearing and actually turns on a dime to return to you, even if it’s playing with other dog friends or at the beach?

Challenge your dogs recall by progressing them through more distracting environments

Mary Puppins Brisbane has a Recall Program that provides you with the skills to get consistent and enthusiastic recalls when you ask for it. 

Recall Program Inclusions:

  • 5x45mins sessions tailored to you and your dog
  • Online help between sessions to progress your homework
  • 5m Quality Rope MPupp lead. 
  • Training pouch.  

Total Investment: $788

Start Training

Loose-Leash Walking Training Package

How amazing would it be to go for a leisurely walk with your dog without being dragged down the street? Its not pleasant at all!

Some dogs are fully driven by their noses and just drag you from one smell to the next. While sniffing is a very important part of walks, wouldn't it be great to have sniffing as the reward for beautiful loose leash walking in between?

To maximise yours and your dog's progress together, you will gain 6 months access to your own private support group, where you will receive support and guidance in between lessons.


  • 1x 1hr Private In-home dog behaviour training lesson
  • 3x 30min Private sessions in the environment 
  • 1x 1.5m Every-Day Quality training lead
  • 1x Treat bag
  • 1x 454g bag of Ziwi Peak
  • 6 months access to your private support group

Total investment: $480

Start Training

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